

                                                                                    Photo taken by: Lilly Pad

The owl box is located on the side wall of:  Nicasio School in Nicasio, CA, about 32 miles NW of San Francisco (http://www.nicasioschool.org).To support Nicasio School, visit http://www.nicasioSF.org. Donations ensure that all students of Nicasio have enrichment classes such as Art, Music, and Spanish.

The owl box and camera were installed by the Hungry Owl Project (HOP) in spring 2007 ( http://www.hungryowl.org) as part of its education program. HOP is a non-profit that promotes the use of non-toxic pest control by encouraging farms, ranches, vineyards, public lands and homeowners to install HOP-designed barn owl boxes instead of using rodent poisons to control pests.
To donate: http://www.hungryowl.org/about_hop/donate.html

The Owl Box was set up in 2007 - It took three years before a pair of Barn Owls decided to make it a "home".  In March of 2010 the barn owls moved in, the students of Nicasio School have officially named the two barn owls Salt (male) and Pepper (female). They felt that these names were both fun and appropriate as the male owls tend to have a whiter colored breast whereas the females tends to have more dark speckles on their breasts.

Salt and Pepper continued to use this box each year, raising three clutches (one a year).
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ander093 said...

You Rock, Bonz !! :-)

Japanmama said...

Hi! Bonnie. This blog is good☆  I support you(v ゝ`ω・)!

Bonnie Zedonis said...

Thank you K, I am very happy you like it. Now you can come here everyday to keep updated.

Bonnie Zedonis said...

Thank You Ander ♥