Monday, April 1

♥ Pepper ♥

Pepper returned for a short time last night, just so happy to see she is all right!  8:38pm Salt was on the side branch until 8:46pm, he returned at 9:14 to 9:23pm. Again a rainy night at Nicasio: no other sounds than the rain until 1:09am, when Salt returned on his favorite branch. Suddenly he bows down and starts bill clicking and Pepper lands on the front branch ♥ Salt immediately flies over to her and the both 'talk' for a bit and sit together on the branch. They stayed for only 15 min., and later at 1:32am Pepper returned for another 7 min. by herself.

The Great Horned Owl's were heard again and close at 3:53 to 4:33am. One more time for the GHO's at 6:16am, needless to say Salt and Pepper didn't come back. Never thought I would be hoping for other owls to "go away", but I sure wish the GHO's would move farther away...oh well 

Video is short for a change - just brief sightings of Salt and Pepper.


Anonymous said...

So glad that Pepper's OK. But that makes it even stranger that she's not at the box much, after almost staying the day. I agree, go away, GHO's. Maybe Pepper is spooked by them. I will send telepathic messages to the GHO's to leave. It won't work, but I'll do it anyway.


Bonnie Zedonis said...

Thanks Tara, I think perhaps Salt and Pepper know full well to stay away from the GHO's. What I am now extremely curious about is: How did s/p go from 100% full on nesting to absolutely nothing. Brings up the question you asked...Just how much is Pepper able to control her own body? Is she able to turn on/off ovulation? Or have they found somewhere else (but then why would they come back here? So many questions.