These owls really mess with us! Confusing is just one way to describe this situation. Will they still lay eggs? Have they already started a clutch; perhaps nearby and still keep an eye on the owl box? Are the Great Horned Owl's too close for comfort? Is weather a factor? Is the rodent population under control? Are Salt and Pepper perhaps getting to old?
Some of these questions were answered on past posts; the majority we are still trying to get a handle on. Just when you think perhaps you have an answer, one or both of them do something that makes you question it all over again! (As you will read about on Thursday nights post). All in all, I suppose the best thing to do is just wait and see how it all progresses. Ha, like we really have a choice!
4/20-21/13: Saturday night:
Cam on at 9:20pm = Nothing to see until
12:45am - Pepper on side branch (about the middle)
12:48am - she gives a low hiss sound
1:07am - it looked like she went after something but
1:07am - she is back on side branch (at attention) and
closer to the box.
1:13am - she takes off.
2:46am - I hear the GHOwl's - not very close!
3:47am - Salt is on the side branch and gone at 3:48am.
4/19-20/13: Friday night:
No live stream - cam was not on all night - hmm did someone just 'hiss'?
4/18-19/13: Thursday night (This is why the 'hiss' for Friday night)
9:47pm - cam on and Salt is on side branch
11:07pm - he goes into the owl box!! looks around and sits on inside perch looking out. No calling or anything.
12:02am - he is out of box and on side branch again.
12:39am - Pepper joins Salt on side branch
1:08am - Something grabs their attention towards back of school and both take off.
1:30am - Salt returns to side branch; hear the GHowl's in distance - Salt seeming to keep an eye/ear on them. From 3:09 to 4:16 Salt comes and goes.
4:18am - He shows up on side branch with a nice fat gopher! Takes his time looking around (almost waiting) and at 4:20am he takes off with it (towards the back of the school building)!
4:50am - Pepper is here, on side branch, at 5:04am hear a screech in the background, Pep answers back.
5:22am - she's off....
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