Wednesday, February 27

Checking Out The Interior

In case you were wondering how I came up with "Salt" this time. I posted pic of each close to same spot and stance. You can see the circled side markings.

I had to reset the recording again at 12:53am EST. due to another crash..sigh From 9:53pm PST up to 3:02am no owls around. Salt landed on the side branch, at 4:01 he went to the front branch. At, 4:07am he decided to check out the inside of the box. I thought for sure we would hear him calling to Pepper, but not this time. He moved around inside, scratching now and then and exited at 4:18am.

Almost time to start watching, if you aren't already. Just waiting for that "gift" from Salt to Pepper....

Tuesday, February 26

New View

For some reason if the recorded video is playing on the Nicasio site, my flash player crashes. I set to record when I went to bed, unfortunately the live stream wasn't on yet and just as I figured it crashed for me. When I woke this morning (2am PST) had to reboot the system. What a nice surprise, no owls but Mark had set the camera back to the original view! Also noticed a new tie down on that side branch that was moving a bit. Thank you Mark! At 5:59am Pepper landed on the side branch, this time I immediately said "Pepper"; the Ceres area was no longer questionable in my mind. Sure looks like the angle of the camera makes a big difference.

Pepper was here for only a minute (the custodian arrived). She was obviously looking for Salt's whereabouts; turning her head back and forth looking. This has certainly made my day! Now on with the show ♥♥

Monday, February 25

One Question Finally Answered ♥

Oh glory days!!

Sunday night - NO owls all night until 3:21am when our sweet couple arrived at the same time and roosted on the side branch. Just chillin. The sound was turned off sometime Saturday (nope don't know why), but we got to see them at least. 

At 4am it was 32*F, but is going to warm up to 63*. Continuing 30's at night and 60's daytime.

They both moved to the front branch around 5:05am and at 5:15 Pepper came back to the side branch. On yesterdays post I mentioned we would need some "bonding" to help in identification. Well I almost got my wish - I am adding a very short video, so you can see for yourself as "Salt" (we were right on that observation) tries to mount Pepper....of course she's not up to it!! 

Now we will just have to wait for nesting to observe (Pepper) to see if she is our original.

Until tomorrow..have a wonderful day ♥

Sunday, February 24

Think I will wait


I know I said these two owls are Salt and Pepper, but something at the moment about them is really bothering me! Have been trying to make a definite decision on whether these are both the same Salt and Pepper we started with. I have searched high and low for more information and just can't seem to find exactly what I am looking for. Have also checked numerous pictures of them as well, nothing has given me that (yes this is THE original Salt and Pepper) feeling!! Something that might help a bit is for Mark to set the cam back to it's original position (or as close as possible). Thanks goes to Tara, who has been helping with pics and video in trying to figure this all out...

I thought the best course to take is wait and see for a while. Bonding would help (at least we will be sure which is male anyway). Also, when Pepper stays in the box; I believe after watching her through three clutches we will know for sure if it is our original. Those that have been watching closely know Pepper does things a certain way; from where she lays her eggs, how she rotates them and how she moves around in the box, even her pantries have been positioned a certain way. I believe her actions in the box should be the tell tale sign. So, I think a little more patience on our part is needed; for me - I think I will wait.....
Speaking of nesting! 2012 - Pepper stayed in box and first gift received on: 2/17/12

1st egg was laid on 2/29/12        

Date should say 2/23/13

2/23-24: No audio - my video decided to go black with the spinning circle in the middle - ugh hate when that happens. Barb was up the earliest and posted a picture of Salt at 5:37am. When I finally arrived (sleepy head I was) Salt on side branch and Pepper joined him at 5:49am but left at 5:51. Salt followed at 5:55am. That is all the information I have for last night. Perhaps Tara may have something to add later ♥♥

2/22-23: Very windy tonight, adding video so you can see how Salt was holding on. I think that is the reason one of them missed the landing on side branch this time. (Tara added video on facebook page).Live stream wasn't until 1:24am with Salt on side branch. 1:25am heard a flyby screech (Salt was watching) Pepper joins him at 1:28am. They leave and at 4:41am, one of them tries to land on side branch and misses. 5:32am finds Salt on side branch, he leaves at 5:35. Pepper arrives at 6:03am and at 6:07 she leaves.

Friday, February 22

Salt it is!

Monday night the 18th-19th, we tried to decide whether we were seeing our Salt and Pepper. Kind of still up in the air on that, so I was looking forward to live video on Tuesday night, well that was a no go, nor Wednesday night. Friday morning around 2:30am we had live streaming video ♥
Comparison Continues:
Upper Right is latest picture
Both owls showed up I am happy to say! I dug up tons of old photos to compare, and chose a few of both Salt and Pepper, and put them together with the most recent pics of each questionable owl. In my humble opinion I believe we definitely have Salt! The wing patches and Ceres areas are too closely alike to think otherwise.

Check the dates on the pictures - Pic 1 & 2 upper left and center are latest
 As far as Pepper, I believe there is a good chance it is our girl. I am still confused about the Ceres area on her. Although I found a picture where the Ceres matches almost perfectly. This owl acts very much like our Pepper as well; as does Salt. Pepper has always seemed to be in charge, also was the one who chased away other owls (or warned them) more so than Salt did. This Pepper is doing and acting the same way. She did a lot of screeching, at other owls this morning. (I did not catch that in the video.)

In conclusion I am going to go with, this is our Salt and Pepper, until someone or something shows otherwise. Please study the pictures and watch the video, see if you agree or not and let us all know your opinion.
Thank You ~ Bonz  


According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Owls go thru a complete molt once a year. I believe that is why we couldn't quite recognize Salt and Pepper! If you noted on the pictures above the Cere's area was almost the same, but not as big as before on both owl's, molting is most likely the cause.


Tuesday, February 19

Who is Who? Causing a Screeeeech!!

I have to start this off with an "I am not perfect" Of course not is most likely your reply, after all who is? As most of you know, we haven't seen much of Salt and Pepper for months now. With only on and off sighting's, I believe starting in January. Very easy to get confused with such a long hiatus. When we did comparison pics a long time ago; two of the things I pointed out was wing patterns and ceres area. Wing patterns weren't the best to go by, due to positioning of owl and how the light hits that area. I almost never seemed to have a problem going by the bristle hairs around the ceres and bill. On Pepper she has a slight hump in that area, but basically more curved. Salt on the other hand has/had a very pronounced hump, giving him what looked like a heck of a 'schnoz'. Well it seems I may have a problem now. I have thought that the owl we have been seeing the most of has been Pepper (due to the not so big hump, the overall size, and the body language). This Owl has been almost always sitting on the side branch while another owl has been seemingly courting, with screeches - flybys - twitters, etc. We have not seen that owl in the viewing area until, I believe Friday night. That Owl is not to coordinated it seems. Heard lots of thumps, and crashes. You will see in the video I'm posting. This video is 10 minutes long, I tried to shorten as much as I could, I need you to hear and see and help me to figure this out. I will give you the exact times, so you know what is going on. Would appreciate your honest thoughts. You can post here or on the Salt and Pepper facebook page. Thanks~ ~ ~ Bonz 

I will start explaining the video by assuming that the owl in the beginning is Salt (although I am truly wondering what happened to that schnoz) If you feel other wise feel free to opine!
1:52am - Salt on side branch
2:02am - something comes toward him, he even ducks. (wondering what was happening)
2:06am - Hear a screech
2:06am - Owl tries to land on branch or conduit box, next to Salt and totally misses. Pepper? Seems to go to branches below out of sight (during some of this video you will have to listen very carefully for vocal sounds)
2:08am: hear a loud screech (not sure if I got that in video)
2:10: Pepper? lands on front branch but out of sight. 
2:12: Another screech
2:25: Salt goes to front branch with other owl.
2:46: another screech
2:57: Salt does leg stretch and listen close can hear vocalizing
3:02: Hear a screech and takeoff by Pepper - Salt follows after a minute
3:16: Pepper??? on side branch, looking around finally screeching and leaves at 3:23am

 In Conclusion: 

Is it Salt? If so what happened to the big schnoz??? Is that Pepper - now here I am really wondering, so much about it does not seem like Pepper. Of course moulting may be a factor if that is Pepper; but it certainly does not answer why so clumsy and front branch sitting as opposed to the Pepper we knew who always sat next to Salt (either side) on the side branch. It also doesn't answer (moulting) Salt's less of a big schnoz...I don't believe the molt goes to facial disc. Unless he just wore down those bristle hairs a bit.... So have I confused all of you as well? Will we have to wait for major 'bonding'?....hhmmm

Sunday, February 17

Wore Out Already?

Wow, one night of action, excitement, confusion, night, you would almost think, not an owl around. That's how quiet Saturday night was! Yes, Salt and Pepper both came to the side branch, at separate times though. Who knows when things will liven up...they always seem to keep us guessing. Hoping we will have video during the week, because you just never know with Salt and Pepper!

Attention Please:

I would like to take this moment to present to you, what we hope will be a (new page) for the blog, with your approval.  Barb Good is going to be doing "Myths and Legends" on owls for us!! Starting today, so please let us know how you like it. Also, if anyone has ideas or things they would like to see here please let me know. ♥


Myths and Legends

Submitted by: Barb Good

From time to time I will take you around the world telling about Myths of the Owls in all different cultures so I hope you enjoy the tour~Barb

Owls in American Indian Culture

Spedis Owl

Among the different American Indian tribes, there are many diverse beliefs regarding the Owl. Presented here are some of those beliefs.

According to an Indian legend, the 'Spedis Owl' carving was placed on a rock to serve as a protector from the 'water devils' and monsters that could pull a person into the water. The owl on a rock may have also indicated the ownership of that location for fishing.


To an Apache Indian, dreaming of an Owl signified approaching death.

Cherokee shamans valued Eastern Screech-Owls as consultants as the owls could bring on sickness as punishment.


Boreal Owl

The Cree people believed Boreal Owl whistles were summons from the spirits. If a person answered with a similar whistle and did not hear a response, then he would soon die.


Burrowing Owl
 The Dakota Hidatsa Indians saw the Burrowing Owl as a protective spirit for brave warriors.

The Hopis Indians see the Burrowing Owl as their god of the dead, the guardian of fires and tender of all underground things, including seed germination. Their name for the Burrowing Owl is Ko'ko, which means "Watcher of the dark" They also believed that the Great Horned Owl helped their Peaches grow.


Short Eared Owl

 The Inuit believed that the Short-eared Owl was once a young girl who was magically transformed into an Owl with a long beak. But the Owl became frightened and flew into the side of a house, flattening its face and beak.
They also named the Boreal Owl "the blind one", because of its tameness during daylight. Inuit children make pets of Boreal Owls.


Native Northwest coast Kwagulth people believed that owls represented both a deceased person and their newly-released soul.

The Kwakiutl Indians were convinced that Owls were the souls of people and should therefore not be harmed, for when an Owl was killed the person to whom the soul belonged would also die.

The Lenape Indians believed that if they dreamt of an Owl it would become their guardian.

Saw-Whet Owl

The Menominee people believed that day and night were created after a talking contest between a Saw-whet Owl (Totoba) and a rabbit (Wabus). The rabbit won and selected daylight, but allowed night time as a benefit to the vanquished Owl.

The Montagnais people of Quebec believed that the Saw-whet Owl was once the largest Owl in the world and was very proud of its voice. After the Owl attempted to imitate the roar of a waterfall, the Great Spirit humiliated the Saw-whet Owl by turning it into a tiny Owl with a song that sounds like dripping water.

To the Mojave Indians of Arizona, one would become an Owl after death, this being and interim stage before becoming a water beetle, and ultimately pure air.

According to Navajo legend, the creator, Nayenezgani, told the Owl after creating it " days to come, men will listen to your voice to know what will be their future"


Barn Owl
 California Newuks believed that after death, the brave and virtuous became Great Horned Owls. The wicked, however, were doomed to become Barn Owls.


Great Horned Owl

In the Sierras, native peoples believed the Great Horned Owl captured the souls of the dead and carried them to the underworld.


 The Tlingit Indian warriors had great faith in the Owl; they would rush into battle hooting like Owls to give themselves confidence, and to strike fear into their enemies.

 A Zuni legend tells of how the Burrowing Owl got its speckled plumage: the Owls spilled white foam on themselves during a ceremonial dance because they were laughing at a coyote that was trying to join the dance. Zuni mothers place an Owl feather next to a baby to help it sleep.

Saturday, February 16

Change In Perch Spots?

I awoke this morning anxious to see what was going on at the owl box. We had live streaming video since 7:30pm PT; a whole night again! So I turn on the monitor and I see two owls on the side branch, but very close to the owl box, with backs facing us. that Salt and Pepper I wonder, strange they have had their favorite perching spots high on the side branch since the beginning. Hmmm, confusion and wonder starts to set in. Not sure if it is them. Much later after discussing with fellow chatters and seeing them together back on their old perching spot we were sure....yes, Salt and Pepper together again. 

The video is just spots where you can see and hear them together. In the beginning listen to the tongue clicking. (That is one of the reasons I wasn't sure). I'm just happy they are both here in our viewing area. Looking forward to more excitement tonight. 

Thursday, February 14

Still Waiting

Happy Valentines Day to all ♥ Unfortunately we had no live stream last night. I know, bummer huh? We are still waiting for some action on the side branches where we can see. It seems so far that Salt has been very elusive. Perhaps this weekend...Talons crossed!! In the meantime I will continue with some interesting information on the digestive system of an owl.

How a pellet is formed:

 * Owls cannot chew food - they swallow small prey whole, larger prey is torn        into smaller pieces before being swallowed.
 * Owls have no Crop. A crop is a loose sac in the throat where food is stored for
  later consumption. For owls, the food goes directly into their digestive system.
 * Here's how it works:

 1. Swallowing the prey
Food is forced down the buccal, where muscle contractions (peristalsis), at top of esophagus pull it down into the proventriculus.

2. First Stomach (Proventriculus)
The first stomach, receives the food and secretes mucus, hydrochloric acid (HCL), and pepsinogen, prepares the food for the move to the ventriculus.

3. Ventriculus (gizzard)
Receives the food next. The gizzard is lined with tough, thick layers of muscle, it grinds and pushes the food into the inner chamber. Digestable materials are separated and passed into the small intestine. The remaining indegistible mass of fur and bones is left to form the pellet.

8 to 10 hours later, the pellet travels from the ventriculus back up to the proventriculus, where peristalsis forces the pellet up the esophagus and out the mouth.

Pepper bringing up pellet
Barn Owl Pellet
Identification Chart 

Wednesday, February 13

Short but Sweet

Good Evening to all. Feb. 12-13, Tuesday night, video wasn't on when I called it a night, but decided to record anyway. Well when I checked in the morning no live stream. It seems I recorded all the re-runs! Go ahead laugh, I did! While a few of us chatted to our surprise at 5:15am the live video came on, Barb Good said Pepper was on the side branch but then left. Oh well, missed that one. So we continued to talk, suddenly a very loud screech was heard (very close) this was at 5:41am and another loud one at 5:44am: at that time we heard one of them land on the "climbing tree" next to the branching system (this is under the camera) so we couldn't see who it was. After that it was completely quiet but gave us a little bit of excitement and made for a sweet ending to morning viewing.

Thank you Karen and Britt for posting sightings in the "Your Report" section.

A while back I posted about the deadly effects of rodenticides. Please take a few moments to read this very informative article by Maggie Sergio..

 Astounding Acts of Arrogance From the Makers of d-Con, Reckitt Benckiser,b=facebook 


Tuesday, February 12

Almost Forgot!

The live video feed wasn't on when I retired for the night, so I didn't record. At 1am PT, I awoke saw that video was up so on with the recording...(smiling here). It seems all the action starts in early evening, so I did not hear any screeching, etc. but: 1:06am one of them is on the side branch and leaves at 1:33am. The next and final sighting is Pepper at 3:39am and she stays until 5:55am, at that time the custodian arrived.

Pepper shaking feathers
Pepper Preening


If you are watching live video and see an owl please note the time on the video and come here, click on "Your Report" and fill out the info. It only takes a minute and will help me immensely. Thank You! 

Salt OR Pepper?

Since I am late posting I will give you the exact things that I saw. Feb. 10-11, at 7:05pm Pepper arrives on the side branch. At, 7:52pm Pepper is still chillin on the same branch. 8:58pm, I can hear distant screeches, every now and then. I hear a screech nearby at 9:03 and Pepper takes off. 9:15 it is 41* at Nicasio, again I hear screeching in background.

Everything seems to be quiet until 2:43am when Salt or Pepper (I will let you figure it out) lands on perch in front of doorway, but doesn't go in. Instead walks up the side branch close to the camera. At 3am jumps off side branch and gone. 3:32am finds Pepper preening on the favorite branch - gone at 5:17am.

Sunday, February 10

An Evening Of Courting

The Nicasio Owls seemed to have a couple hours of "courtship" going on last night. Courtship besides aerial displays, involves screeches, hisses, twittering, chasing the female. Later we will see branch displays of preening, chittering, mounting, and more. In my humble opinion this video will show some of the courting between Salt and Pepper on the evening of Feb 9. I didn't put all the screeches, etc. in because this went on from 7:44pm to almost 10pm.

Pepper is on the side branch, if you listen very carefully you will hear low twittering in the background, then the raspy hissing. You will also see what I believe is Salt coming down off the roof to the front branch (where Pep is sitting, just out of sight) you can hear him chase her. At 8:34pm when Pepper takes off from side branch that is the last of visual sighting until 3:15am when with a screech Pepper is back on side branch and leaves again at 5:38am.

Saturday, February 9

Something New

Good afternoon all you owlers. The evening of Feb. 8th the only owl to grace us with her beauty was Pepper. She stayed on the side branch for almost three hours. Salt off who knows where. A nice surprise was on the chat itself, two of our "Trackers" Karen Resch and Dale Crawford joined Barb Goode and I, we had a pleasant conversation about our owls. Also, on the Social Stream "LillyPad" answered a question from a viewer. This was really great our Trackers are coming together, now if only visitors would sign in and say hello, we are here to answer any questions or just to chat. I imagine it is still to cold at Nicasio (nights in 30's and days 50's) It is slightly warming up though. We need the warmer temperatures not only for nesting purposes; but for rodent population. When the rodents produce and temps. warm, Salt and Pepper will surely do their thing! Who knows, maybe we will have another year of Easter owlets!

Something New! 

May I bring your attention to the tabs at the top of the page (below the banner picture) You will see a (Your Report) Tab. I am hoping all of you will get involved with helping to record what is happening at the owl box. When you see something, note the time (from the video), who it is, and what they are doing. Then come to the blog and click on the tab and submit your sightings. It is very easy and self explanatory. Please help.



Owls do NOT have a crop - stay tuned for in-depth information 


Friday, February 8

Living Rural

   Awoke at 6am EST this morning, hoping to see my favorite owl couple. Turned on the PC and what do I see - OH NO - reruns again!  I'm sure this has happened to many of you as well. So disappointing - I just couldn't understand why - so I did some asking.....

  Rural Life...Ahhh wouldn't we all love to live away from the hustle and bustle of city life - commune with nature, smell the fresh air, hear and maybe see owls out our back window!   Yes, rural life has it's good points, but one of the few not so good ones are "Broadband"....Say WHAT?? you ask...everyone has internet don't they?? Oh how we take things for granted! Some rural areas can't get internet at all. While others consider themselves lucky to at least have dial up... So it is, for some folks in Nicasio! The school itself  is fortunate to have an external line that connects through the County Office - over hills and through the woods - oh my! - with minimal output. What does that mean, you ask...To put it simply: The school is having a hard time just keeping the server and comptuers up and running for daily use of the school! Long term options are being looked into: but of course will take time and lots of money - changes will not be anytime soon. How does this affect our viewing of the owl box? The education of the students is first, as I am sure you will agree! Thus bandwidth must be saved for the school. They have been trying to accommodate us owl box viewers - but there will be times we won't be able to have live streaming video. So let's be thankful for what we do get and continue to hope for a new clutch this year!! Looking forward to the students naming the owlets ♥
   I would like to take this opportunity to say once again "Thank You" to Nicasio School, Mark Tong (IT guy), and HOP (Hungry Owl Project) for sharing this wonderful opportunity to see and learn from Salt and Pepper (The Nicasio Owls).

If you would like to make a donation: 

Below is a video taken by Maggie Rufo, Here is what she says: Dear Nicasio Owl Cam Viewers, here is a 360 view of the habitat of Salt and Pepper, and soon their owlets. Please take a Dramamine or something before watching because  my hands were seriously shaking! Sorry about that. This was taken around 8:10 am and it's still a bit foggy. Nicasio
is one of many incredibly beautiful places in Marin County. If you look
up the word "bucolic" in the dictionary there should be a picture of
West Marin there! When the cars aren't going by you can even hear some


Thursday, February 7

Courtship Begins

Both Salt and Pepper were here last night. The evening started with Ms. Pepper making an appearance at 9:34pm sitting on the side branch. Looking nice and comfy until 10pm, when she seemed to chase something away. Returning in five minutes, and taking a preening and resting break, all is well until 11:10; when she is alerted to another passerby and off she goes in pursuit. It's very quiet for the rest of the night, just about to give up seeing them, when out of the night sky an owl lands on the roof of the owl box...who is that...we all asked; then the owl flew to the side branch......

Salt we all exclaim! No wait maybe it's Pepper and the uncertainty sets in. This is to be expected I think to myself, we haven't seen either one for almost two months - an occasional sighting of Pepper after that, and not together makes it difficult to confirm which is which. As the owl sat on the side branch I had time to observe, wing patch when the light hit right seemed like our male, then I spotted the ole schnoz sure looked like Salt. Now I could still be wrong, waiting for them to come and sit together and we will all know for sure. The important thing as you will see and hear in the video, is I believe the courtship has begun. Chittering by both could be heard, and screeches once in a while, these goings on are part of the courtship. Here's to a continued courtship and new beginnings!

Did you know?
The Genus name, Tyto, is from the Greek tuto, “a night-owl.” The species name, alba, is from the Latin albus, meaning “white.” The face, front and belly are white.

Could this be Salt in the box


Pepper  was here on side branch from 10:32pm until 11:45; she saw something on the ground and flew down to it. Pepper was here two more times after that, with a good morning visit for all of us watching at 6:03 am until 6:07, she went to the front branch, out of our line of vision and gone.


 I believe this is Salt going into the box. He spent 7 minutes inside. 


 The collective name for a group of owls is a Parliament