Saturday, February 9

Something New

Good afternoon all you owlers. The evening of Feb. 8th the only owl to grace us with her beauty was Pepper. She stayed on the side branch for almost three hours. Salt off who knows where. A nice surprise was on the chat itself, two of our "Trackers" Karen Resch and Dale Crawford joined Barb Goode and I, we had a pleasant conversation about our owls. Also, on the Social Stream "LillyPad" answered a question from a viewer. This was really great our Trackers are coming together, now if only visitors would sign in and say hello, we are here to answer any questions or just to chat. I imagine it is still to cold at Nicasio (nights in 30's and days 50's) It is slightly warming up though. We need the warmer temperatures not only for nesting purposes; but for rodent population. When the rodents produce and temps. warm, Salt and Pepper will surely do their thing! Who knows, maybe we will have another year of Easter owlets!

Something New! 

May I bring your attention to the tabs at the top of the page (below the banner picture) You will see a (Your Report) Tab. I am hoping all of you will get involved with helping to record what is happening at the owl box. When you see something, note the time (from the video), who it is, and what they are doing. Then come to the blog and click on the tab and submit your sightings. It is very easy and self explanatory. Please help.



Owls do NOT have a crop - stay tuned for in-depth information 



Anonymous said...

Nice goin Bonnie~~~~Barb

Anonymous said...

Ha!!!! You did it!!! Congrats, Bonnie. ~~ Lilly pad

Bonnie Zedonis said...

Thank you Barb and Lilly ♥