Saturday, February 16

Change In Perch Spots?

I awoke this morning anxious to see what was going on at the owl box. We had live streaming video since 7:30pm PT; a whole night again! So I turn on the monitor and I see two owls on the side branch, but very close to the owl box, with backs facing us. that Salt and Pepper I wonder, strange they have had their favorite perching spots high on the side branch since the beginning. Hmmm, confusion and wonder starts to set in. Not sure if it is them. Much later after discussing with fellow chatters and seeing them together back on their old perching spot we were sure....yes, Salt and Pepper together again. 

The video is just spots where you can see and hear them together. In the beginning listen to the tongue clicking. (That is one of the reasons I wasn't sure). I'm just happy they are both here in our viewing area. Looking forward to more excitement tonight. 

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