Wednesday, February 13

Short but Sweet

Good Evening to all. Feb. 12-13, Tuesday night, video wasn't on when I called it a night, but decided to record anyway. Well when I checked in the morning no live stream. It seems I recorded all the re-runs! Go ahead laugh, I did! While a few of us chatted to our surprise at 5:15am the live video came on, Barb Good said Pepper was on the side branch but then left. Oh well, missed that one. So we continued to talk, suddenly a very loud screech was heard (very close) this was at 5:41am and another loud one at 5:44am: at that time we heard one of them land on the "climbing tree" next to the branching system (this is under the camera) so we couldn't see who it was. After that it was completely quiet but gave us a little bit of excitement and made for a sweet ending to morning viewing.

Thank you Karen and Britt for posting sightings in the "Your Report" section.

A while back I posted about the deadly effects of rodenticides. Please take a few moments to read this very informative article by Maggie Sergio..

 Astounding Acts of Arrogance From the Makers of d-Con, Reckitt Benckiser,b=facebook 


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