Friday, February 22

Salt it is!

Monday night the 18th-19th, we tried to decide whether we were seeing our Salt and Pepper. Kind of still up in the air on that, so I was looking forward to live video on Tuesday night, well that was a no go, nor Wednesday night. Friday morning around 2:30am we had live streaming video ♥
Comparison Continues:
Upper Right is latest picture
Both owls showed up I am happy to say! I dug up tons of old photos to compare, and chose a few of both Salt and Pepper, and put them together with the most recent pics of each questionable owl. In my humble opinion I believe we definitely have Salt! The wing patches and Ceres areas are too closely alike to think otherwise.

Check the dates on the pictures - Pic 1 & 2 upper left and center are latest
 As far as Pepper, I believe there is a good chance it is our girl. I am still confused about the Ceres area on her. Although I found a picture where the Ceres matches almost perfectly. This owl acts very much like our Pepper as well; as does Salt. Pepper has always seemed to be in charge, also was the one who chased away other owls (or warned them) more so than Salt did. This Pepper is doing and acting the same way. She did a lot of screeching, at other owls this morning. (I did not catch that in the video.)

In conclusion I am going to go with, this is our Salt and Pepper, until someone or something shows otherwise. Please study the pictures and watch the video, see if you agree or not and let us all know your opinion.
Thank You ~ Bonz  


According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Owls go thru a complete molt once a year. I believe that is why we couldn't quite recognize Salt and Pepper! If you noted on the pictures above the Cere's area was almost the same, but not as big as before on both owl's, molting is most likely the cause.



Anonymous said...

Very vocal this morning it was fun watching~~Barb

Anonymous said...

Too bad they couldn't be banded with some strikingly different bands to make it easier to identify! Nice job :)