Wednesday, March 13

Hit and Miss

Another night has come and gone - still waiting for Pepper to get into a 'broody' mood! My notes start at 1:44am PT., that is when I found out that my flash player crashed again..grr. If the live stream isn't on when I start recording the crash happens. I still haven't been able to fix it. Any ideas, would be greatly appreciated. Anyway I digress, back to Salt and Pepper!

Strange night, yet not with these two! We would see Pepper on her favorite spot on side branch, preening. Salt would fly in, once goes on the box roof, Pepper starts her begging sounds. Then they would fly off. Seems that they are chasing something away a lot again tonight. Later Pep comes back, Salt a bit later and they mate. He moves to the side branch, Pepper still 'talking'. They both are gone again. What happens in the early morning hours I put on two videos. The description is next to them. It was just to good to pass up. So please take a few minutes, read and watch.

Nice surprise from Mark, he put the link to this blog on the screen! Thank You♥

Shake It Off

4:14am Pepper on side branch, Salt flies in - attempts to mate, oops, almost knocks her off the branch. He apologizes with a few owl words and a little 'bonding' which we haven't seen hardly any of. He then moves up the branch and shakes it off. 


  Please Come In

6:05am Salt on side branch tongue clicking away as Pepper flies in. Salt immediately goes inside the box, starts 'chortling' (check the time he is constantly begging for her to come in). 6:13am (think he's getting a little ticked) he screeches at her a few times. Darn, she still ignores him. 6:15 a few more screeches from him, but Pep takes off and Salt leaves the box! As usual we wait!!


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