Saturday, March 16

No Gift, No Stay!

Another nail biting morning! All night they were in and out of the owl box. Arguing over the perch, when in the box. Finally we have some major 'bonding' - Salt preened Peppers face and head for a long time, and later a little mutual bonding. Eight mating sessions. 

The last session in the box was at 5:31am, and they both left at 5:42am. Pepper made a last appearance on side branch looked around and left at 6:41am. 

Why isn't Pepper staying during the day?  The answer to that is: Salt has not yet brought a rodent gift into the box! Until he does she will NOT stay. When he does and Pepper stays she will start to lay eggs in about one week. Our friend Trinka (HOP) has verified this. So Mr. Salt get it together and bring your lady a gift ♥

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